Monday, October 31, 2011

Vote: Halo for Anniversary.

[It's so close! So close....]

Now this post is about a video I was unable to find on YouTube or any other site that cold be posted to my blog here. So, below is a Halo campaign trailer that's just amazing. It gives you the first real taste of what this amazing anniversary title brings to bear. So grab a fork, a knife, and dig into the visual deliciousness. When you're done, sip on the delicacy known as. the original score.

 [*Giggles*] Awesome!

Now, I don't want any of my readers who aren't interested in following simple links to feel like they missed out completely. [If you did follow the link then it's BONUS TIME! You're Welcome]
So. I give you the Directors Cut of the HALO 4 announcement trailer. The differences aren't exactly huge, but they're there. [Besides, the trailer is short, sweet, and just down right EPIC.] So why not watch it again?

[Man, mind blowing awesome!]

If you've seen the original version of this trailer then you'll have noticed a difference or two. However I think the most obvious difference is that the Chief discards the grenade launcher at the end, instead of reloading it. [Chief, is this why you always say, "I need a weapon"? And yes, yes we did miss you.]



  1. Okay, three days I missed somewhere. Guess I was busy. Nice blogging and nope, I did not watch the videos. I have some book edits to work on...I did like your comments...even though I don't have a clue what you are talking about. (Well, I get it that your writing about games, duh. I just don't understand all the hoopla because I don't play them.)
    Now if you talk about recipes, motorcycles, or shoes...I'm on it! :D

  2. Whoa! That was chilling! Man, what a movie this would make!
