Saturday, October 15, 2011

Kinect with HALO.

[You knew they would.... you just knew]

The Rumor Wagon has been screaming this for a long, long time. I've always found the idea absurd. Implementing the Kinect to a FPS like this would do more harm that good. [Especially if you like the game and want to have fun while you play it. Or you take the game seriously and like to play it's high paced multiplayer.] Or so I thought; but 343 has found the middle ground. For all you Kinect fans that want some kind of functionality with it and Halo, get it; and those of us who only saw it as an annoyance will find that the Kinect can be used with thought, not just with the gimmicky angle. Some moderate, non-invasive techniques have been used to deepen the experience, not cheapen it. Think of the Kinect as seasoning. It adds upon the meat, that is HALO, and improves the flavor; not ruin it. Below is a link to a video detailing some ideas [Which believe me, are actually cool, if you have a Kinect.] But it's a good use for the device. Check it out, you may be surprised; I was.

[You can thank Joystiq for this, video.]

======)> HALO-Kinect-And-YOU <(======


1 comment:

  1. Interesting. It's more like an AI than a goofy gun replacement. Nice.
