Thursday, April 28, 2011

Because everybody could use a Portal Gun

 <----[It's not a WANT, it's a NEED]

 Don't believe me? It's true, the Portal gun is one of the greatest inventions that should have ACTUALLY been invented. It could make every thing easier. Need an example?

I rest my case.
And just because I don't wanna hear any whining. [But Fox the video it too small!] That and or somehow, you're not convinced. Below is the link for the bigger, higher definition version. Bigger makes it easir to bellieve.... I think.
[Seriously Scientists of the world. Portal Gun... Get on it!]

[Portal McLinkey]---->Mario with a Portal Gun

as an added bonus. I think this pretty much sums of racing games.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fox's Den Arcade.

   [Somebody go back and get a crap load of dimes... oh quarters... right.]

Today's post is brought to you by the evolution of the Arcade.
By that I mean, once there was Pac-Man, then there was a room, filled with thirty something versions of Pac-Man, Space Invaders, Donkey Kong, et cetera. Then that room was filled with dozens of people, each had a pocket full of quarters and a smiling owner standing at the back office window.

Arcades are still around and still fun to go to. There's something about slapping in a quarter, or swiping a game card, and enjoying a few minutes of fun with your friends. [But we all know it's about the high-score.... not just the highest score, just having a higher score than the friend standing next to you.]

The face of the Arcade has changed is some aspects. It's basically an easy access to a large quantity of titles, of all genera. The X-Box 360 has one such version. Their digitally distributed titles offer the same range of games on a massively broad, ever evolving scale.
Some such games are straight from the old arcade machine, while others are rebuilt and revamped for maximum enjoyment, with a fresh technological polish. [And new game smell! Oooh cherries!]

Then there are titles built today with one thing in mind. Making the coolest experience you can get, on your digital arcade for a great price and jaw dropping graphics. Now I'm not telling you that you're gonna be looking at the Avatar of video games, but more like. "Jeez Louise this is a arcade game, no way!"
To which I'd reply. [Yes way, and stop calling me Louise!]

So, in-case you haven't guessed, I'm going to show you what arcades games look like now with a specific title. Honestly, it looks amazing. I caught myself saying. "X-Box Arcade?! dude....."

[Welcome to "Section 8: Prejudice"
Strap your boots on tight, you're gonna need'em.]

[Section McLinkey] ---------> Sectoin 8: Prejudice

[Let's see pong do that.]



Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Fox's Den, proudly presented in Green light. (50's Alien music plays)

 <--------[In brightest day, in blackest night, how many people don't repeat this right?.....what, that's not it.....crap.]

I'm going to get to the point on this post today, freight train you with awesome and leave you laughing at some visual humor. [Ready? Brace yourselves.... seriously, like a helmet. I don't wanna get sued.]

I recently spied a brand new trailer for the new Green Lantern movie and it was the coolest trailer by far. It really sets a tone a give me hope. 'Cause it looks friggin AWESOME! *Ahem.* The link is below.

[McLinkey] --------> Green Lanterm 4 Minutes Trailer.

That's right, four minutes of awesome! Make with the watching!

Lastly I have a couple of funny screen shots. Enjoy.

I don't feel I have to say anything, those speak for themselves.
