Thursday, October 27, 2011

[Dude, Plane Crash: been there, done that, killed the A-holes. NEXT!]

Nate Drake is the basically the new Indiana Jones. He's so life like, so very natural in his movements, and the cut scenes feel solid and real. I know what you're asking. "How Fox? How do they do that?" [Pfft, like I know, I didn't make the game. Jeez.]

Thanks to Naughty Dog, they're willing and already ready, to show you how with this sweet behind-the-scenes featurette! So cool.

[Lol, the grunting...]

Imagine: You're playing that part of the video and someone walks in to hear all that. They'd probably ask. "What the hell are you watching?"



  1. All that grunting :-) :-)! Sounds like they need to drink more water!!!;-) Geat behind-the-scenes video.

  2. Yes, the music is strange...but hey, that's part of the game's experience! Duh! Don't like the music, turn it down. What's up with that?
