Sunday, October 30, 2011

G4 & Mass Effect 3

["Somebody go back and get a crap load of grenades. We're gonna be busy."]

G4, you may have seen them on TV. They cover tech, and most importantly, video games.
They're also the ones who bring you X-Play. [If you haven't seen X-Play, it's a daily video game television program.] But you should know this already. [What? You didn't? Don't you watch TV? Whats a matter with you?]

Anyway, those lucky dogs got to enjoy a minor hands on of the new Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer mode.
What stood out to me was how BioWare was handling the whole multiplayer experience in general. When you think Mass Effect and you and your friend playing it at the same time. You should think, Horde mode from Gears of War or, respectively, Firefight from Halo. Now don't think this is a simple copy and conversion of a popular game type. BioWare changes it up, by infusing it with the uniqueness of character development and customization [The kind the series in known for. Seeing as how it's one of their core focal points.] It also shakes things up by giving you assignments along the way, like disarming bombs or capturing key locations, ect. Below is a link to the actual preview. It explains what I'm getting at, but most importantly. I left a few things out that were best left to the guys who were there. Spend five minutes, read it. You'll be glad you did!

G4 - Mass Effect 3: Multiplayer Review.


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