Thursday, October 13, 2011

Gears of DLC.

Epic want's you to know that DLC (Downloadable Content) is coming, and a lot sooner than you might have thought. Actually, the first wave of DLC comes to you at muzzle velocity on Nov: 1st. Yeah. Right around the bloody corner. The DLC is titled "Horde Command" and it'll put you up against the locus/lambent armies on 3 new maps, with 2 new characters to play as, and a few new defenses.

The new characters are Bernie Mataki, [She's from the Books written by the talented Karen Traviss] and the Onyx Guard. [Those are the super bad-asses in the beafy black armor.] You'll also get a new character skin for Dizzy. It'll be him in his prewar getups.

Not only do you get new duds and a pair of brand spank'n new characters to play as. You can now upgrade the Silverback to fire rockets like it does in the campaign. Decoys can now be upgraded to A.I. status. [That means they'll run around and shoot jerks for you!] Like a Wingman.
There's also the new Command Post, which as you up grade it, it has different features. The first time you use the CP, a team of snipers will appear outside of the map and pop some skullz for you. The next level, mortars anyone? That's right, artillery support! and finally, level three of the upgrade is HOD [Hammer of Dawn] strikes! Who wants TOAST?!

The last new upgrade is to your Sentry [Automated Turret] that will transforme your Sentry from a tazer blasting, bullet slinging, death machine. To an incendiary round belching, bullet launching, death machine.

[But wait! There's more!] If you don't have the green to make the seen, [I.e. Cash, Greenbacks, Dough, Bread, Dinero, etc] no problem. You can play with friends who do. You'll be able to enjoy the new maps by playing with a buddy who has bought the DLC.  You'll even be able to build defenses, you just wont be able to build the new defenses. Epic was thinking here.

Prepare for the first wave, it's gonna be a blast.


1 comment:

  1. The Dude in the overalls reminds me of a plumber we once used...big guy! Funny clothes for a warrior. Sort of reminds me of John Goodman...sort of.
