Monday, October 31, 2011

Vote: Halo for Anniversary.

[It's so close! So close....]

Now this post is about a video I was unable to find on YouTube or any other site that cold be posted to my blog here. So, below is a Halo campaign trailer that's just amazing. It gives you the first real taste of what this amazing anniversary title brings to bear. So grab a fork, a knife, and dig into the visual deliciousness. When you're done, sip on the delicacy known as. the original score.

 [*Giggles*] Awesome!

Now, I don't want any of my readers who aren't interested in following simple links to feel like they missed out completely. [If you did follow the link then it's BONUS TIME! You're Welcome]
So. I give you the Directors Cut of the HALO 4 announcement trailer. The differences aren't exactly huge, but they're there. [Besides, the trailer is short, sweet, and just down right EPIC.] So why not watch it again?

[Man, mind blowing awesome!]

If you've seen the original version of this trailer then you'll have noticed a difference or two. However I think the most obvious difference is that the Chief discards the grenade launcher at the end, instead of reloading it. [Chief, is this why you always say, "I need a weapon"? And yes, yes we did miss you.]


Sunday, October 30, 2011

G4 & Mass Effect 3

["Somebody go back and get a crap load of grenades. We're gonna be busy."]

G4, you may have seen them on TV. They cover tech, and most importantly, video games.
They're also the ones who bring you X-Play. [If you haven't seen X-Play, it's a daily video game television program.] But you should know this already. [What? You didn't? Don't you watch TV? Whats a matter with you?]

Anyway, those lucky dogs got to enjoy a minor hands on of the new Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer mode.
What stood out to me was how BioWare was handling the whole multiplayer experience in general. When you think Mass Effect and you and your friend playing it at the same time. You should think, Horde mode from Gears of War or, respectively, Firefight from Halo. Now don't think this is a simple copy and conversion of a popular game type. BioWare changes it up, by infusing it with the uniqueness of character development and customization [The kind the series in known for. Seeing as how it's one of their core focal points.] It also shakes things up by giving you assignments along the way, like disarming bombs or capturing key locations, ect. Below is a link to the actual preview. It explains what I'm getting at, but most importantly. I left a few things out that were best left to the guys who were there. Spend five minutes, read it. You'll be glad you did!

G4 - Mass Effect 3: Multiplayer Review.


Friday, October 28, 2011

Steel Battalion Wants Your Controller and Your Kinect to Be Freinds.

[I'd start humming "Why Can't We Be Friends" right now, but I respect my readers too much to do that.]

Steel Battalion. A series with a lot of ambition, one frigging expensive controller, and not the right debut time. We've been over this though and Capcom believes they've got a formula that can do the trick. This little recipe for potential Awesome-Sauce calls for your Xbox controller and your Kinect to join forces! Not war against each other and force the user to choose between the two. ["One or the Other" - is so last year.]

The new in, is Team-Work. Capcom feels that you can bring forth a solid, immersive, video game environment by using the remote and the Kinect simultaneously. So, can they utilize the the Kinect's functions? Right now I've had no, and/or seen no, hands-on demo's to get a feel for it. So I can't say for certain. But Capcom thinks they may just have a capable bridge to elevate the Kinect from gimmick machine, to useful tool to be utilized skillfully. Some of the other big boys in the industry have found some good uses for the new technology. The guys at 343 Industries to name one. One thing I know for sure, even if this doesn't pan out as being as awesome as it could be...Capcom makes some seriously sweet trailers. [So... you know, there's that....]

[If this works; yeah, I could get in on it.]

You can tell it's and early build. I'd like to think they'd be able to dish out a much smoother, more polished, HD friendly, graphics intensive title. But this is a good start!


Thursday, October 27, 2011

[Dude, Plane Crash: been there, done that, killed the A-holes. NEXT!]

Nate Drake is the basically the new Indiana Jones. He's so life like, so very natural in his movements, and the cut scenes feel solid and real. I know what you're asking. "How Fox? How do they do that?" [Pfft, like I know, I didn't make the game. Jeez.]

Thanks to Naughty Dog, they're willing and already ready, to show you how with this sweet behind-the-scenes featurette! So cool.

[Lol, the grunting...]

Imagine: You're playing that part of the video and someone walks in to hear all that. They'd probably ask. "What the hell are you watching?"


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Back to L.A.

Grand Theft Auto V is set to return to Los Angeles. A city they've used before, just like the Big Apple. You'll remember the Rock Star version of L.A. in GTA: San Andreas.
The talk is that there will be 5 playable characters in the campaign, which makes since. They did that with GTA-IV in their DLC. So, you'll probably see the standard outfit. Massive single player story, gigantic free roam city, DLC's and a kick'n multiplayer which really doubles the replay value of their series. [Oh, and seriously over aggressive, probably juicing, cops.] But, that's why the game is fun!
Keep your eyes sharp 'cause on Nov 2nd the game's debut trailer will hit the tubes.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

[ Elite - "Blarg, honk honk."
ODST - "I'm uh, sorry? I don't know... what?"
Elite - *Sigh* Bla-arg, honk, honk."
ODST - "Still nothing...."
Elite - "Blarg! Honk, HONK!"
ODST - Dude. Yelling doesn't make what you're saying suddenly comprehensible.]

Just in case you don't speak Sangheili, I'll translate for you. Halo: Glasslands is out! The newest edition to the Halo novel library is written by the New York Times Bestseller: Karen Traviss

Any true Halo fan worth their salt, and if they're into their paper-based fiction. Then this book is a must have. [Microsoft and 343 aren't sponsoring me, and I'm not getting paid for this. Halo's just that good.] So is Karen Traviss as a matter of fact.

In other news. 343 Industries is happy to break out the sheet music and let you have a peak into the remastered original score written by Marty O'Donnell. So let you're ears feel the love while you watch this behind-the-scenes video.  [Did I mention that Halo: Anniversary's score is being recorded at the famed Skywalker Ranch ? No? Oh well then.]  
Halo: Anniversary's score is being recorded at the famed Skywalker Ranch. [You're welcome.]

[Skywalker Ranch's speakers can be turned all the way up to eleven!]




Rockstar has just announced Grand Theft Auto 5 on their main website. So get your excitement face on and wait for the inevitable announcement trailer, and soon-to-be juicy details.

Oh.... Battlfield 3  is amazing. That is all.


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Battlefield :Freddie.

[Freddie Wong, The cream of the crop when it comes to kickass videos on Youtube.]

Freddie is that really cool guy all your buddies know about and, everyone who's cool watches him. That's 'cause Freddie's videos are crisp, excellent CG, hilarious, well produced, bite-sized pieces of pure awesome; streaming directly to you're eyeballs courtesy of Youtube. Now Freddie, like us, enjoys a good video game, and like any reasonable person, he's excited for Battlefield 3. So excited, he made a friggin sweet video to go along with the hype. Enjoy, this is quality folks. Quality. Awesome, with a capital 'A'!


I tell ya, Freddie definitely caught the feel Battlefield delivers in their trailers. This stuff is right up BF3's alley.

*BONUS MATERIAL*. Gasp! Really? [Really, really.]

Here's the behind the scenes, courtesy of Freddies second channel, freddie2

[How much fun would it be to work with these guys?]


Friday, October 21, 2011

Hungry? Get you some "Launch Trailer"!

[*What this badass soldier is probably thinking.* "Am... I on FIRE?!"]

I''m not going to waste time with a lot of words here tonight. Sometimes less is more, and a picture is worth a 1000 words. So, if you add up all the frames in the EPIC video below..... that's a mouthful.

[Aye, that'd about do it.]


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Mass |Battlefield| Effect 3

[For those of you who are easily excited. Yes, your conclusion with the above picture is true]

So, EA just announced that, if you pre-ordered Battlefield 3, you're getting more than you bargained for. BioWare and EA have a special gift. Inside your game will be a code for the, just announced and already hyped, Mass Effect Multiplayer BETA. [My head most definitely a'sploded.]

Not only do you get an amazing modern combat, high action, graphically astounding, FPS; you'll get your hands all over your controllers, which will be all over the Xbox which is all over the Mass Effect Multiplayer BETA. [Awesome-Sauce!]

What they tell me is, you'll get to enjoy a run at the co-operative angle of the multiplayer and even a small touch of the single player campaign. If you weren't excited for Battlefied 3, but you're a Mass Effect junkie. You just got one huge reason to pick up this up and coming blockbuster. [Lucky for me, I already liked both!]


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Uncharted: Harrison Ford Edition.

Naughty Dog, how we love you. the Uncharted series is one of the greatest to hit the Playstation 3. It's a movie in it's on right. It comes as close as any game gets to actually letting you play a movie. The voice acting is worthy of awards, the cut-scenes have depth and feeling to them. The characters are energetic, full of life and personalities; with that genuine realism to them that makes these individuals believable.

Further still, the video below seams to be less like a launch trailer for a video game and more of a movie trailer. I'd be okay with it, if this weren't a game, and I was about to head off to the theater. [It's that good.]


Try for a moment, if you can, to stop picturing the cowboy with the massive hat and super stash. You know you're on to something when, an acting legend like Harrison Ford, wants to be apart of it. Even if it's just a commercial; and it's aired in Japan. That's, when you know, you've got something great!

[Man! He looks like he's having a great frick'n time!]

Hey, listen. Buy this game! Why? 'Cause, Mr. Harrison Ford digs this game, what more do I need to say?


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Brick and Load.

[Hey!! Who drew of my stuff?!]

Talent is something that goes around, it doesn't share itself evenly, and it doesn't always go into the same field. This is a simple truth. Some people even have the imagination to go with that skill. Others have the creativity, the talent, time, skill, and tools required to bring their concepts to life. This one however, I wish was real. I'd play the brick out of a  LEGO version of Gears of War on my Xbox. [See what I did there?]
This is just pure awesome, in brick form.

[When they told him to stop playing games and get a hobby. I doubt they meant this.]

Let no talent go wasted!


Monday, October 17, 2011

Hang'em High at High Noon.

[That's right, it's back!]

Hang'em High, is one of the most popular maps in the list of multiplayer arenas sported in the Halo series; excluding obvious maps like Blood Gulch.  
Hang'em High has seen the redesign treatment once, from Bungie, it arrived in DLC form as an expansion for HALO 2: Combat Perfected. Then Halo 3 rolled around and, no Hang'em High; but what we did get was just as good. We got Forge. A map editor in it's most primitive state for the Halo franchise, but arguably one of the best features put into Halo 3. Fans may have not seen a third remake of the classic map, but they could now make it! And so they did, they built Hang'em High. Some even impressed Bungie and the fan made remake saw action in the community Matchmaking playlist. Halo: Reach rolls around as a gift to the fans, but again, Hang'em High was nowhere to be found. But that was okay, no biggie, because a refined, sophisticated of Forge was bristling with muscle and features to build with. Hang'em High returned to the Frey like never before. It was good to have a place you knew by heart to pick a fight in. Now, with HALO: Anniversary quickly drawing near, 343 Industries proudly released some magnificent screenshots of the first time classic, four time remake, Hang'em High. They even gave it a shiny new name to go with it's facelift. The new title fits in well with the original, and the new look is without a doubt, breath taking.

Say hello to an old friend. High Noon.

 [Clickity Clack on those photos for HD Larger Versions, so your eyeballs can feast upon this eye-candy properly.]

Come Nov 15th, I'll be spending some time catching up with High Noon. I'll be bring the rockets. [Go for the Over Shield. You're gonna need it.]


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Quick Robin, to the Bat -Game!

Hey guys, quick post tonight. I have for you the launch trailer for Batman Arkham City.
Man this is one awesome looking game!

If we could only get other super hero games to be created with this much care and ingenuity.


Saturday, October 15, 2011

Kinect with HALO.

[You knew they would.... you just knew]

The Rumor Wagon has been screaming this for a long, long time. I've always found the idea absurd. Implementing the Kinect to a FPS like this would do more harm that good. [Especially if you like the game and want to have fun while you play it. Or you take the game seriously and like to play it's high paced multiplayer.] Or so I thought; but 343 has found the middle ground. For all you Kinect fans that want some kind of functionality with it and Halo, get it; and those of us who only saw it as an annoyance will find that the Kinect can be used with thought, not just with the gimmicky angle. Some moderate, non-invasive techniques have been used to deepen the experience, not cheapen it. Think of the Kinect as seasoning. It adds upon the meat, that is HALO, and improves the flavor; not ruin it. Below is a link to a video detailing some ideas [Which believe me, are actually cool, if you have a Kinect.] But it's a good use for the device. Check it out, you may be surprised; I was.

[You can thank Joystiq for this, video.]

======)> HALO-Kinect-And-YOU <(======


Friday, October 14, 2011

Achieve Achievements Early!

343 Industries has seen fit to unleash their achievement list for the upcoming Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, before they're inevitably leaked. [You know, normal stuff.]

So, below is an image filled with a collection of some of the achievements. Also, below that is a link below that will take you directly to Halo Waypoint where 343 goes into detail on how to unlocked these little gems yourself.

[This is where the Achievements live; get you one!]

Go here ===)>Halo Waypoint<(=== for full list and details.

Now if that doesn't get your inner Achievement Hunter hungry for action in HALO: Anniversary. You might be dead....[I'd call a doctor.... Wait, let's not jump the gun. We should trouble shoot. Step 1: Do you have a pulse? OH NO! ZOMBIE!]


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Gears of DLC.

Epic want's you to know that DLC (Downloadable Content) is coming, and a lot sooner than you might have thought. Actually, the first wave of DLC comes to you at muzzle velocity on Nov: 1st. Yeah. Right around the bloody corner. The DLC is titled "Horde Command" and it'll put you up against the locus/lambent armies on 3 new maps, with 2 new characters to play as, and a few new defenses.

The new characters are Bernie Mataki, [She's from the Books written by the talented Karen Traviss] and the Onyx Guard. [Those are the super bad-asses in the beafy black armor.] You'll also get a new character skin for Dizzy. It'll be him in his prewar getups.

Not only do you get new duds and a pair of brand spank'n new characters to play as. You can now upgrade the Silverback to fire rockets like it does in the campaign. Decoys can now be upgraded to A.I. status. [That means they'll run around and shoot jerks for you!] Like a Wingman.
There's also the new Command Post, which as you up grade it, it has different features. The first time you use the CP, a team of snipers will appear outside of the map and pop some skullz for you. The next level, mortars anyone? That's right, artillery support! and finally, level three of the upgrade is HOD [Hammer of Dawn] strikes! Who wants TOAST?!

The last new upgrade is to your Sentry [Automated Turret] that will transforme your Sentry from a tazer blasting, bullet slinging, death machine. To an incendiary round belching, bullet launching, death machine.

[But wait! There's more!] If you don't have the green to make the seen, [I.e. Cash, Greenbacks, Dough, Bread, Dinero, etc] no problem. You can play with friends who do. You'll be able to enjoy the new maps by playing with a buddy who has bought the DLC.  You'll even be able to build defenses, you just wont be able to build the new defenses. Epic was thinking here.

Prepare for the first wave, it's gonna be a blast.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hardhats Required.

Greetings one and all. This next segment will require hardhats. Why? 'Cause there's so much debris raining from the sky, that's why! Due to EA's most recently released Battlefield 3trailer, I feel it's better safe than sorry. You've had the chance to witness the beauty of the game, in screen shots and videos I've posted before; but I've personally had the opportunity to see the destruction physics of this game through the Multiplayer BETA and it's mind blowing. [Many have varying opinions of the game and the beta itself, and your opinion aside. We all agree that, graphically speaking, this game's got it in spades.]

For example of the destruction, I got one specific moment that stood out from my own hands on experience. Me and my squad were holed up on the second story of some apartment building, taking pot shots at some poor dumb schmucks who'd walked right into our sights when, the world erupted with light and I was sent flying through the door and out into the hallway as half the floor shattered away. Through the smoke and noise I watched as the far wall fell away leaving an unholy scar upon the building's front. My Avatar climbed to his feet quickly, everyone in my squad screaming with surprise, as I stared at the destruction. My jaw was a' gape as I took in the spectacle. I now stood in what was, probably once a living room, now turned cave mouth and could see clear down the street for about a block. At the far end of my sight lines I could see a completely unrelated skirmish waging around a bus-stop. It was by far one of the coolest experiences I have ever had, with destruction, in a multiplayer environment. What was left of my unit raced to cover, near the new hole in the structure, and made the soldier with the RPG pay dearly for his last shot.

Some of the best, graphically rich, gameplay action I've had the opportunity to enjoy outside of Halo. Sink you're teeth into this!

[It's like Band of Brothers, if Michael Bay directed it!]

So much, gorgeous destruction. It's out Oct 25th.
You don't wanna miss it!


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Uncharted: Thirst [FOR ACTION!]

The desert is a rough place, and abnormally so for our hero Nathan Drake; but nothing and no one can keep him down. Not the heat, not the fatigue, ['case he just keeps digging into the Felix the Cat, Bag O'Tricks of infinite energy] not dehydration, not riding a burning C-130 to the ground among fiery explosions, not even bullets. [Good thing he's on our side.]

NO, our hero stands tall as the every-man who isn't like any man 'cause he's an, Action Hero! [Yet he is and we relate to him and it's cool and stuff 'n junk.] The point is, it's still a game, but boy is it AWESOME! So, watch, love, play. [Jeez, sounds like a diaper comercial, except for games...... Call Sony, I have a new slogan for them!]

[So Cool!]


Monday, October 10, 2011

Save the Universe, With a Pal!

[First thing I'm gonna do when I get ME3. Is whup some d-bag with that Omni-Blade]

The Rumor Wagon has been churning out that Mass Effect 3 will have multilayer. They said it about ME2 [They said it a lot.] and ME3 has received the same treatment; and for a time, BioWare played along. Yet, out comes word that BioWare has denied multiplayer for the 3rd Person Space Epic. But then, out of left field, Mass Effect is delayed  to 2012. Now like many others, I speculated the delay was due to a multiplayer component to the game that had more bugs than they had time to squash, or multiplayer was deemed "doable" and they pushed the blockbuster title back to squeeze it in; or both.

Regardless of reason, the bottom line is that BioWare found time to at least fill in one crucial blank. To answer that, asked all to many times, question. "Will Mass Effect 3 have multiplayer of any kind?"
That answer is a sweet, sweet, YES! [Feel free to go "Boo-Yah!" Or, "Yee-haw!" No it's okay, I'll wait.]

Good? OK! Below is a cut from their forums, where they made the joyous declaration.

--  Hi Everyone

Today BioWare and the Mass Effect 3 team are very pleased to announce 4 player co-op multiplayer missions and the Mass Effect 3: Galaxy at War system for Mass Effect 3 on the PC, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3.

4 player co-op multiplayer

Join your friends in the all-out galactic war to take Earth back. The universe of Mass Effect expands with the addition of new co-op multiplayer missions, playable over Xbox Live, PSN and PC internet. Players can choose from a variety of classes and races, form an elite Special Forces squad, and combine their weapons, powers and abilities to devastating effect as they fight together to liberate key territories from enemy control. Success in multiplayer will have a direct impact on the outcome of the single player campaign, giving players an alternative method of achieving ultimate victory against the greatest threat mankind – and the entire galaxy – has ever faced
. --

First: that just epic.
 Second: This is only just a tidbit of what they posted. For greater depth into whats to come of Mass Effect multiplayer and how it can affect your single player campaign, follow the link below!

Mass Effect Multiplayer!

And that, is epically, that.


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Four Swords Equals Four Times the Awesome!

[That's three more swords than one!]

Zelda has had many games under its belt. One in particular was the Four swords, which had one particular feature no other Zelda title had; 4-Player Co-Operative Campaign. So if you had three friends with the same game, then you were set for adventure. I played the game a long time ago. [Then why bring it up?] ....I'm getting to that! -

The reason why I bring it up is that this year is the 25th Anniversary of the Zelda franchise. In celebration, they're doing a few re-releases and the Four Swords is one you can download and play right on your 3DS, or DSI. [Why do we care about that again?] ...Are... are we going to have issues? -

*Ahem* I bring this up because of the commercial Nintendo produced to spread the word around. Take it away Robin!

There, happy now?


Friday, October 7, 2011

Scramble! Scramble! This is Not a Drill People.

[Whenever I see this poster, I hear that sweet speaker busting sound they use for their trailers.]

Battlefield 3is right around the corner. It's release date is the Oct 25th; [That's practically spitting distance for time.] and with the day to play, quickly on the rise, we're getting sweet new screen shots of the single-player campaign. This round of dazzling in game photos are of the adrenaline packed, high flying, jet action you'll soon be enjoying. So, drool over these a moment. Marvel at the detail, get excited.

[Oh Man!]

Dad-gum that looks good. Sheesh.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Thrill of Sound.

One thing everyone knows is that sound makes up a large percentage of what we like in games, movies, music [obviously] and in real life in general. It's that guttural chop-chop of massive rotors as a Chinook flies overhead. Maybe it's the beloved growl of a P-51 Mustang .

Aircraft not your speed? Maybe you can't get enough of the sound of car engines, explosion [or the crowbar sound you always hear in an explosion.] Maybe its the sound of rain, running water, the muffled growl of thunder; maybe even a soft breeze. What ever it is, that makes you go. "ooh, aaah...."  when you hear it, we all agree those sounds have an allure to them. It's just good.

Well sometimes you have great memories of cool sounds; like in one of your favorite video games. Sometimes, and only in particularly rare moments, do you get to hear the re-envisioning of those sounds; brought up to today's standards. One such example is HALO: Combat Evolved Anniversary.
Watch and most importantly, listen, to the video below. See how the ten year old sound effects evolve into the new. You'll also get a chance to see the sharp contrast between the old and the new in the realm of graphics.

[Man this just makes me even more excited.]

Remember, HALO: Combat Evolved Anniversary is out the box and on shelves Nov: 15th, 2011.
Right around the corner!


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

To the Player, We Salute You.

[What's a guy gotta do to get a drink around here?]

Sony's "Long live Play" campaign has released a spectacular wave of commercials. Several with the famed Kevin Butler. These commercials have, hilarious and exciting, even amazing; but never before have they been just down right epic. Their most recent, and greatest, commercial is simply titled "Micheal". This is the coolest collection of game characters, in a live action video, I've seen to date.
What would you do if all your favorite video game heros had the chance to say. "Hey man, thanks for not getting me blown to itty-bitty-bits during those past three games. You 'da"
[I'd be geek'n out! That's what I'd be do'n.]

[This video is just frigging awesome!]

Microsoft, Sony just called 'Check'. It's your move. Impress us.

[These Amazing Photos are Brought To You By, Game-Informer]


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

M.D.K. Alert!

[Possible, Probable, Potential Stabbing, Imminent.]

Ezio [The main character of the past three Assassin's Creed Games] has been gut'n D-bags left and right for a few years now. He's been around the block more that once, cut it in half more that twice; and scaled, jumped, flipped, flown over it at least a dozen times. [Guy gets around...]
He's a regular "Awesome Man Johnson" and the resident badass that all the other Assassins aspire to be like. [He's That good.] But he doesn't go around slice 'n dicing the local, international, worldwide scum for fun. He has a 'cause, a purpose, a noble one at that. Now to prevent from delving into a story that would require, better seat cousins, more drinks, snacks and a energy bar to two; I'll spare that delicate toosh from long term sit'n pains with the Reader's Digest version.  It's an exciting story, but it's that long and there are lots of twists and turns. So here's the gist; the Bad guys are bad and do bad things, the Assassins are good and they do good things and bad things to the bad people which is actually a good thing. [Yeah that's as basic a summery as it gets folks.]

But seriously, the AC series it jam packed with a rich, riveting story that just lock onto you and you really wanna know what happens next. Ubisoft knows their business. They've been dishing out quality AC titles once a year, every year, for the past few years. Each time the story get's deeper, cooler, and the graphics get better, not to mention new game elements and another chance to see how much of a bunch of Jerks the Templars are. We  also get to see how the Assassins make sure the mean old Templars toe the line. [And by "Toe the Line." I mean they Murder, Death, Kill the crap out of them.]

Below is a butt whup'n, stab-fest video that's just as cool as "stab-fest" would lead you to believe.
The title of said video is "The Life of Ezio Auditore."
Enjoy, 'cause it's good!


Monday, October 3, 2011

"This is Gama-Romeo, we're Green-lit for 03:06:2012"

[Ghost Recon!!!]

Ghost recon is a 3rd-person series that's a personal favorite of mine. I've been "Ghosting" the crap out of A-Holes for over decade and it never get old. Never. One thing that Ubisoft brings to their Tom Clancy designer title is, top notch controls, mechanics, story, environments, and just the right level of A.I. Intelligence. Not to mention that true team feel you get when you and eight of your friends, kick in D-Bag teeth, and ransack a compound or two like a team of pissed-off Jason Bourne's. [Can you imagine eight Jason's mad at you? Can you say, Screwed?]

Now Ubisoft has been bouncing around the release date for this game, and most of us are still salivating over that Live Action Video they released so long ago. [Seriously, mind blown with the amount of awesome seen in that video.] But the excitement has ebbed as time passed and we heard less. Then E3comes a roll'n around and BAM! Ghost Recon: Future Soldier reemerges like the masters of stealth they are. So we get a much needed boost in excitement and see one of the coolest features the Kinect can offer for a game; that doesn't' feel "Completely Gimmicky" in a video game title.

Being able to manipulate your firearms, Tony Stark style, with a flat screen TV. Then customizing with the exploded view weapons being rearranged with just a hand gesture or two; even a voice command. But alas, after that the ghosts go dark, invisible again. Nothing. Then, out of nowhere, true to their reputation, they slip in-and-out leaving only what they wanted you to see. The good news is what they left behind was enough. Something tangible, to look forward to. Now, we play a different waiting game...

 [Awww, sweet!]====)>

Keep your eyes peeled! Ghost Recon: Future Soldier is coming out! Don't get caught unprepared! [I.e, Make with the Reserving!!]


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Five Doller, Lancer over a foot long.

[Drake NO! He has a CHAINSAW Lancer! CHAINSAW!!!!]

You know what heppened? Drake won-ish, in calling a truce. He brought Subway. [I know, smart]
I know a couple of you have probably seen this already but, this is the evolution of commercials. Video Game characters can sell product just like the real folk.

[Great, now, I'm hungry.]

And then, you know what happens when you have an impossible amount of ingenuity and enough free time to go through with your idea? You get this.

*Side Note: The video does drag on a bit, so watch the first minute or two, to see how it works. then you can feel free to hit pause at anytime.*
[I want this...] But more importantly. I want a LEGO: Gears of War game now.

So yeah, simple, easy and....