Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Brick and Load.

[Hey!! Who drew of my stuff?!]

Talent is something that goes around, it doesn't share itself evenly, and it doesn't always go into the same field. This is a simple truth. Some people even have the imagination to go with that skill. Others have the creativity, the talent, time, skill, and tools required to bring their concepts to life. This one however, I wish was real. I'd play the brick out of a  LEGO version of Gears of War on my Xbox. [See what I did there?]
This is just pure awesome, in brick form.

[When they told him to stop playing games and get a hobby. I doubt they meant this.]

Let no talent go wasted!


1 comment:

  1. Now that was COOL! I had to watch it twice it was so good!
