Sunday, October 9, 2011

Four Swords Equals Four Times the Awesome!

[That's three more swords than one!]

Zelda has had many games under its belt. One in particular was the Four swords, which had one particular feature no other Zelda title had; 4-Player Co-Operative Campaign. So if you had three friends with the same game, then you were set for adventure. I played the game a long time ago. [Then why bring it up?] ....I'm getting to that! -

The reason why I bring it up is that this year is the 25th Anniversary of the Zelda franchise. In celebration, they're doing a few re-releases and the Four Swords is one you can download and play right on your 3DS, or DSI. [Why do we care about that again?] ...Are... are we going to have issues? -

*Ahem* I bring this up because of the commercial Nintendo produced to spread the word around. Take it away Robin!

There, happy now?



  1. That Robin, He's just into everything!! Fun video and it was neat meeting Zelda ;-)

  2. I like Robin better without the beard! Scary!
