Friday, November 19, 2010

Guns, Movies, Frying Pans and YOU!

 [Because enough, is never, enough.]

I read some good quotes from some famous men in history. I really enjoyed them. What they said was not only right, but it was intelligently worded. Where are our leaders with such wisdom, who can create words and phrases to be recited for decades to come?
[I'll give you a hint, only a man who follows the Big Guns (i.e GOD!) will have the wisdom to speak forth legendary words.] Until that happens, enjoy reading up on your History, at least it's a scrap of proof that smart people existed. ;)

[Now I know what your thinking, either it's, "DANG STRAIGHT!" and for that I thank you for your most enthusiastic agreement. it warms my heart so.... or that's not what your thinking and I wonder why were friends......]

Enough with the lead in. Here are the quotes.

"From the hour the Pilgrims landed to the present day, events, occurrences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace, security and happiness; the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable. The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere restrains evil interference - They deserve a place of honor with all that's good."
- George Washington

"To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them" - George Mason

"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike; especially when young, how to use them."
- Richard Henry Lee

Gun control is hitting where you aim. Because Gun Control is not about Guns, it's about Control.


We've got a serious set of good movies coming down over us like rain.

Harry Potter: Part 1 of the Deathly Hallows. [uh-huh!]

Tangled [Dig'n it]

Green Lantern [In Darkest Day, in Blackest night, no Awesome shall escape my site, at the theater!]

Captain America: the Fist Avenger [Awwwwww-yeeeah!]


For those of you still living under a rock [shame on you, now bugs have nowhere to live... home wreckers!] *Ahem*.... I have a couple links for you, below is the links to, Green Lantern and Cowboys & Aliens, enjoy. Also, there's a bonus clip at the bottom you don't want to miss!

[Green McLinky Lantern] ---------->

[Cow Boys & McLinky's] --------->

[Oh Sweet Bonuses] ------->

[You know you want one..... Don't lie.]

ON SALE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Welcome back to the game, if your just joining us it's; Fourth & Awesome at the bottom of the second quarter.

  [And it's good. A solid kick from the...1...yard line. Why did they kick?!"

Let's face it, some kids out there are crafty. [The good kind, not the "I don't trust him... he's crafty." kind]
To some this might be old news, to others this is a fresh set of Awesome for your eyeballs.


[And THAT's how you walk into Mordor.]

When I watch this video I keep hearing this old line. "And look at'em go, and look at'em go, HE COULD...GO...ALL..THE...WAY!"

Now I know what your thinking. "Gah! That's epic. He just walked right through! Why don't we see more, clever, plays in the NFL?" I'm sure you could come up with a hundred different reasons, it still doesn't change the fact that there aren't enough mind games played out there on the field. The defensive coach on a typical game only has to worry about four or five different styles of play. Is it gonna kick? or maybe try the running game, maybe a fake, or maybe a pass.

Imagine a game where they allowed for a little more trickery, maybe if the guys could put a clever, competitive edge to the mix. I don't know everything about football, and I don't know all the rules. Me as a fan, IMHO, I just want to see some original plays. A little variety other than run three, throw on the forth, run three, throw on the forth. Or wait 'till it's two minutes in the fourth quarter to see your team actually try.

I'm a Cowboys fan, I don't like them being known as the "Two minute Team" or the "Second Halfers."
C'mon guys, let's try from the get go, you know... mix things up a little.

Anyways I'm out, enjoy that awesome play.