Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hardhats Required.

Greetings one and all. This next segment will require hardhats. Why? 'Cause there's so much debris raining from the sky, that's why! Due to EA's most recently released Battlefield 3trailer, I feel it's better safe than sorry. You've had the chance to witness the beauty of the game, in screen shots and videos I've posted before; but I've personally had the opportunity to see the destruction physics of this game through the Multiplayer BETA and it's mind blowing. [Many have varying opinions of the game and the beta itself, and your opinion aside. We all agree that, graphically speaking, this game's got it in spades.]

For example of the destruction, I got one specific moment that stood out from my own hands on experience. Me and my squad were holed up on the second story of some apartment building, taking pot shots at some poor dumb schmucks who'd walked right into our sights when, the world erupted with light and I was sent flying through the door and out into the hallway as half the floor shattered away. Through the smoke and noise I watched as the far wall fell away leaving an unholy scar upon the building's front. My Avatar climbed to his feet quickly, everyone in my squad screaming with surprise, as I stared at the destruction. My jaw was a' gape as I took in the spectacle. I now stood in what was, probably once a living room, now turned cave mouth and could see clear down the street for about a block. At the far end of my sight lines I could see a completely unrelated skirmish waging around a bus-stop. It was by far one of the coolest experiences I have ever had, with destruction, in a multiplayer environment. What was left of my unit raced to cover, near the new hole in the structure, and made the soldier with the RPG pay dearly for his last shot.

Some of the best, graphically rich, gameplay action I've had the opportunity to enjoy outside of Halo. Sink you're teeth into this!

[It's like Band of Brothers, if Michael Bay directed it!]

So much, gorgeous destruction. It's out Oct 25th.
You don't wanna miss it!



  1. You nailed it about Michael Bay. The video plays like a Transformers clip. Wow! The game has that kind of graphics and sonics?


  2. Great graphics...I agree with Wade, it reminds me of Transformers...the first movie. Good stuff, Fox!
