Friday, October 28, 2011

Steel Battalion Wants Your Controller and Your Kinect to Be Freinds.

[I'd start humming "Why Can't We Be Friends" right now, but I respect my readers too much to do that.]

Steel Battalion. A series with a lot of ambition, one frigging expensive controller, and not the right debut time. We've been over this though and Capcom believes they've got a formula that can do the trick. This little recipe for potential Awesome-Sauce calls for your Xbox controller and your Kinect to join forces! Not war against each other and force the user to choose between the two. ["One or the Other" - is so last year.]

The new in, is Team-Work. Capcom feels that you can bring forth a solid, immersive, video game environment by using the remote and the Kinect simultaneously. So, can they utilize the the Kinect's functions? Right now I've had no, and/or seen no, hands-on demo's to get a feel for it. So I can't say for certain. But Capcom thinks they may just have a capable bridge to elevate the Kinect from gimmick machine, to useful tool to be utilized skillfully. Some of the other big boys in the industry have found some good uses for the new technology. The guys at 343 Industries to name one. One thing I know for sure, even if this doesn't pan out as being as awesome as it could be...Capcom makes some seriously sweet trailers. [So... you know, there's that....]

[If this works; yeah, I could get in on it.]

You can tell it's and early build. I'd like to think they'd be able to dish out a much smoother, more polished, HD friendly, graphics intensive title. But this is a good start!


1 comment:

  1. I'm sure this is good news...but I haven't a clue.
    If you are am I!
