Tuesday, October 4, 2011

M.D.K. Alert!

[Possible, Probable, Potential Stabbing, Imminent.]

Ezio [The main character of the past three Assassin's Creed Games] has been gut'n D-bags left and right for a few years now. He's been around the block more that once, cut it in half more that twice; and scaled, jumped, flipped, flown over it at least a dozen times. [Guy gets around...]
He's a regular "Awesome Man Johnson" and the resident badass that all the other Assassins aspire to be like. [He's That good.] But he doesn't go around slice 'n dicing the local, international, worldwide scum for fun. He has a 'cause, a purpose, a noble one at that. Now to prevent from delving into a story that would require, better seat cousins, more drinks, snacks and a energy bar to two; I'll spare that delicate toosh from long term sit'n pains with the Reader's Digest version.  It's an exciting story, but it's that long and there are lots of twists and turns. So here's the gist; the Bad guys are bad and do bad things, the Assassins are good and they do good things and bad things to the bad people which is actually a good thing. [Yeah that's as basic a summery as it gets folks.]

But seriously, the AC series it jam packed with a rich, riveting story that just lock onto you and you really wanna know what happens next. Ubisoft knows their business. They've been dishing out quality AC titles once a year, every year, for the past few years. Each time the story get's deeper, cooler, and the graphics get better, not to mention new game elements and another chance to see how much of a bunch of Jerks the Templars are. We  also get to see how the Assassins make sure the mean old Templars toe the line. [And by "Toe the Line." I mean they Murder, Death, Kill the crap out of them.]

Below is a butt whup'n, stab-fest video that's just as cool as "stab-fest" would lead you to believe.
The title of said video is "The Life of Ezio Auditore."
Enjoy, 'cause it's good!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That's some good righten there hombre! You even got 'toe the line' right!! Yessir, that's some good righen right there!

  3. I like the new design change. Hey! I see the Fox icon! Cool! Thanks...
    Good stuff...John Spartan!
