Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Uncharted: Thirst [FOR ACTION!]

The desert is a rough place, and abnormally so for our hero Nathan Drake; but nothing and no one can keep him down. Not the heat, not the fatigue, ['case he just keeps digging into the Felix the Cat, Bag O'Tricks of infinite energy] not dehydration, not riding a burning C-130 to the ground among fiery explosions, not even bullets. [Good thing he's on our side.]

NO, our hero stands tall as the every-man who isn't like any man 'cause he's an, Action Hero! [Yet he is and we relate to him and it's cool and stuff 'n junk.] The point is, it's still a game, but boy is it AWESOME! So, watch, love, play. [Jeez, sounds like a diaper comercial, except for games...... Call Sony, I have a new slogan for them!]

[So Cool!]



  1. Very, very cool! Hey, I remember the first graphic on a sand art youtube video! Sorry, I bunny-trailed.
    I like the new slogan...*there is digital sounds coming from her cell phone.

  2. Okay, you fixed the Fox Graphic by re-sizing it! NICE.

  3. Wow, that Drake dude can take the hits, fists, small arms fire, whatever, and with no body armor! Wow
