Friday, September 9, 2011

Make like a Tree, and Buy some Shoes.

[Now with more Borders!]

Gearbox wants to improve the way you look at Collectors Editions. [See? What'd I tell you? Everybody's doing it! Someone find a cliff! Quick!] They want to give the costumer a feel of, self involvement. Like, they were somehow apart of the Collectors Edition of Borderlands 2. How you ask? Easy, by making you somehow apart of the Collectors Edition of Borderlands 2. [Don't say it! I'm not repeating myself, the previous two sentences have distinct differences.]

Gearbox is looking for fresh, imaginative ideas for things to put in their special edition. [Direct Quote Below!]

"We would love to hear from you all on what you would like to see in a Borderlands 2 Collectors Edition. Let us know! Leave your comments/suggestions below. We know you guys would have some of the most creative ideas - So we want to hear them "

I told you these developers were in the one-up game, and not just in graphics or gameplay mechanics; but in the special edition realm. So, why not? Go --->Here<---- to the official link and type out your dream bonus for the Collectors Edition. [Side-note: a requirement is the stuff you request for has to be from the series, a replica of some sort and/or statue and/or posters et-cetera. No real firearms or weapons of mass destruction. I know. Booo! but those are the rules.]

So yeah, Sweet.

[EXTRA SPECIAL BONUS!]  *Gasp!* I know, bonuses are sweet. Everybody needs a pair of these shoes man, EVERYBODY!

[How could you not enjoy that? Seriously? Hello? McFly?]

Later! ['cause I'm OUTATIME]

Oh my gosh. Seriously these quotes... somebody STOP ME!  [Ops, sorry, wrong movie. My bad.]

1 comment:

  1. I think I've seen that mall parking lot before...wait, don't tell' Lone Pine Mall! That's it.
    Great blog...I enjoyed the blast from the that's another movie. :D
