Thursday, January 19, 2012

Yes we're still alive! Also... Mass Effect!

[This amazing piece of artwork comes from the gifted Patryk "Garrett" Olejniczak. He's kinda good, oh and he has a Blogspot page! Go visit him!]

OK, now for the news and the reason why you're reading this in the first place. the Mass Effect 3 demo has an official release date! Feb 14! [So uh... pucker up for some action....and face sucking space zombies/cyborg hybrids...]

The demo will also include Campaign and Multiplayer sections. So that means you can try out the first, epic, opening sequence of ME3 and then kick some galactic alien arse with a buddy! ;)
[Dude, seriously... This guy is good.]
(Also, give these amazing shots a "clickty-clack" to see larger variants!)



  1. Kinda good? Stingy with the compliments today or is this reverse wording praise? Good to see you back on the air!

  2. Missed your blog. Glad your back. I hope all the SOPA and PIPA stuff is getting resolved. Something for the Gov. to think about. DUH!
