Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Year in Review.

[I know you wish you had their job sometimes.]

I know we're working our way to the halfway mark of the first month of 2012; but Freddie Wong and Brandon Laatsch have been looking back. [Only for a brief moment though!] Well, okay, as brief as putting together all the best action from each and every video they made over the course of last year. [So yeah, that probably took what? Ten minutes? Eleven tops....]
So below is a sweet bit of collective epicness that will make you laugh, smile, and cry from all the laughing. [You know, if you like sweet explosions, shooting and quality action humor] I do.

[Here's to an Epic 2012]



  1. They remind me of the Mythbusters'; They like blowing things up. Can we go to their house to play????

