Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Chat with Mark.

Hey ya'll, I had a post planned for today that had absolutely nothing to do with the post your reading right now. [Now hold on there, I know what you're thinking. "GASP! He's altered the plan! He's deviated from the original course of fate and now we'll never know what the post was going to be about because the space time continuum has ruptured due to your impromptu change in the post; resulting in a cataclysmal explosion of apocalyptic proportions!" OK so, First: take a breath you nutter. Second: Chillax with your buddy Mr.Chill Pill because I'll just post today's original story tomorrow. OK? The world ain't gonna end 'cause of a little change. Heck if I hadn't mentioned the deviation in the first place you wouldn't be breathing through a paper bag right now. So cool your jets bub, it's all cool, okay? Jeez..]

*Ahem* I digress, a lot... Also, I know that ya'll aren't actually "Nutters". I know that's not true.... of most of you. One or two of you are probably insane. [Just say'n Bats folks.]

Aside from the minor shift here, tonight blog is all about a really cool video that serves as a blast from the past. I was perusing YouTube and stumbled on an interview centered on Mark Hamill who played as Joker in Batman: The Animated Series. It's a fun watch and it brings a smile to your face.

[Riding around in traffic with Mark while he does the Joker would be ridiculously awesome.]

Joker *Ahem* -Fox


  1. Great rant at the beginning! That version of Batman was my all time favorite! Good stuff.

  2. Bu-ha-ha-ha-ha. That was good! How fun it would be to see Mark performing behind the scenes! Cool! Thanks Fox....I mean Mr. J.
