Sunday, February 26, 2012

On Its Way Out, Get You One!


My first official novel to be released will hit digital store shelves on 03/15/12. I'll post the official link soon. Until then, here's the synopsis.

Ronald Novak and Sean Williams: two of America’s finest battle hardened soldiers are betrayed by their commander. On the verge of avenging themselves, their lives and the course of two universes are forever changed! Now, Ron and Sean are in the fight of their lives as mercenaries under the employ of a clandestine government, in a universe where an advanced Roman Empire still reigns.

ROAM, yeah! Buy a copy and read it!



  1. Wow! I am just so happy with all of this! So very awesome and blessed to have such a gifted son!

  2. Oooh, nice!!! I really like the synopsis :-) Hold on tight son, you life has changed!
