Monday, February 13, 2012

Pump Up the Jam!

[I know that song is playing in your head right now.]

Well, with the beta out, we're all getting that sweet first bite of Mass Effect 3; but it's only the appetizer.
The official release date is March 6th, yeah. Half a month away; but you can make it! Spend your time well. Be a part of creating a game you want so bad, by participating in the beta/demo. Just think. In no time at all you'll be enjoying the Adrenaline Pumping Action of Mass Effect 3; just like in the video below.



  1. Sure wish you would get excited about something...really!

  2. What I'm waiting for is the debut of Cole Fox's new Si-fi masterpiece "ROAM"!!! When is that gonna happen?? Hum?? When??
