Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Close... But Still No Cigar.

<----- [Oooh, Pretty Lights...]

Christmas is almost upon us and there's still so much that stands between us and the famous holiday. Like a crap load of seconds, hours and a few days.

Besides a few Christmas presents here and there to purchase. Whether or not you're that last minute shopper, early bird or somewhere in-between; there's more than just the Holiday Hooplah to focus on.
Let me, for a moment, distracted you from the Shopping, Business parties decked out like Chris Kringle's living room, or visiting family and friends. What I've got here is a sweat gift from your Ol'Pal Fox. I wrapped it myself!

It's a little bit of "Awww" and a whole lot of "Yeah!" tightly wrapped in a helping layer of Awesome, with a B.A. bow on top of it to seal the deal. [I better hurry up and show this too you before it goes any further and I start charging for viewings.]

Can't think of what you want to get that special someone for Christmas? [Even if that "Special Someone" is you? If you're selfish and you don't know what to get yourself? That's pretty sad, Sheesh...]
Have no fear, Fox is here, for both your caring and possibly selfish desires.

[McLinky]----> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivPheV77JcU&feature=player_embedded

It's 100% Street Legal and yes, it is just as AWESOME as I made it out to be. It could be yours for a measly 55k. ['Cause everybody has that kind of petty cash lying around.....right?]

According to Autopia, the vehicle weighs 474 pounds, is over 100" long and 23" wide, with the rider lying 28.5"

It looks amazing, it is amazing and as you might imagine difficult to ride due to the size of the tires and the way the driver is positioned; but when it comes down to it... It's  Light-Cycle! No body friggin cares if it's slightly uncomfortable to drive. At least for 20-30 Min. I'd totally drive it!

Go see Tron: Legacy on December 17th. They aren't paying me to say that and I'm not being sponsored. I'm only telling you what any sane person would. So go see the friggin movie or nobody will want to talk to you 'cause you're the weirdo who doesn't see cool stuff. ;)

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, that is really excellent! I would like to drive it, too! I'll take one, wrapped for Christmas.
