Sunday, October 10, 2010

Uncharted: Fox's Blogg!

 <-------- [Elana - "Drake... Be careful."]

<----------[Nate - "Hey, it's me." *Turns around and smashes his head on a low hanging column*]

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is one the best series on the PlayStation 3, and personally, it's my favorite.
It's like watching a movie as you play. Superb graphics, excellent voice acting, and a kick-ass story punctuated by a "BlockBuster"quality Original Score; added to that is the smooth controls, good camera angles, fun puzzles and sweet cover based combat. It's a modern day Indiana Jones, and it's all Awesome!

"Fox, this is all well and good, but why are we talking about this?"

OH! You ask too soon! [Speedy Mc'Don't listen] I"m getting to that!

Well, like all great games, some studio want's to make it a feature film!
and this guy ---->David O. Russell <------- [Yeah, him]
As it appears, he's now signed a deal to both write and direct a film version of the critically acclaimed Naughty Dog title.

Matt Tolmach, president of Columbia Pictures, commented: “David is a tremendous choice to take on this film, He’s equally adept at combining all the classic elements involved in this property: great character development, strong comedy and amazing action sequences."

I"m stoked, this is an Awesome Game, and would probably be a thrilling novel, but a MOVIE.   !! O.O !!

I'm excited!


  1. Wow, this was an interesting and funny post. Good job Mr. Author!

  2. Well, you've peeked my interest. I haven't even played the game, I don't know the characters, but you've got me hooked. Keep us informed, Fox-man.


  3. Yeah this is a good post. I am looking forward to going a seeing the movie. Fun fun.

    Dad said "Good job Mr. Author" and I say good job McAuthor.

  4. Ha!, Awesome Sis, or should I say. Funny McGood jokes. :P
