Sunday, March 4, 2012

When Pedestrians Attack

[WARNING: Angered and Armed Pedestrians May M.D.K. You!]

Ya know, in video games, the average pedestrians don't get a lot of love, respect, or even one single caring glance. Especially in GTA. No, what we usually see is just some doofus program designed to bring us a new vehicle and as an added bonus, we get to kick their ass before taking their car/bike/truck/plane/candy from them or their baby, or both, or...whatever. [Honestly, it just sucks to be these guys]

But our good friend Freddie! has asked the question. "What if the guy you just mugged, or the guy you just beat up to steal their car, decided he wasn't put'n up with it any more?" [Oh no he didn't!]

Oh yes he did. See Freddie's answer to the dilemma of just what the take no crap pedestrian, that we should see a little more of, would do if he were carjacked.

[Ooh, bet that smarts!]



  1. OK: That was GOOD!!! I especially like when the bad dude got run over! More of that happening would cut way down on crime! So would a Mac-10 in your lap while driving :-)

  2. Nice artwork! Funny video! Like the car wash!
