Saturday, March 31, 2012

Remembering Where You Came From.

[The Final Transition Ends Tonight.]

Today, Bungie, the original creators of HALO say good by for the last time. One of the most biggest franchises in modern gaming is HALO. Whether you like the series or not, it is a defining element in gaming and it's original release redefined first person shooters on consoles.

As of today, 343 Industries, takes the helm and full reign of HALO, and all things HALO. Bungie will also no longer support stats or any other HALO related feature on their website

343and their main site Waypoint will take over everything that the provided and over the course of a few months will give access to all the great features you're custom to.

So now we say a fond/tearful, farewell to Bungie Studios when it comes to HALO and turn a hopeful eye on to 343 Industries. HALO is now completely in their hands. Bungie wanted to say thanks, and farewell the series and the fans who will follow the series with this amazing bit of data. Enjoy. You can also check out and read every loving word they typed out here.

[Warning, mind may be blown after reading the information below!]

Here's to you Bungie!


Monday, March 19, 2012

No "Rush", Battlefield 3 DLC

The upcoming DLC (Downloadable Content) for  Battlefield 3, known as Close Quarters, will not feature the gametype "Rush". ["What?! Blasphemy!" you shout? Well, yes I'm a bit unhappy about it too. Just don't overreact ok? This isn't the end of ME3.] Oooh, too soon?

EA says that Close Quarters is, well as the name suggests, close quarters. They couldn't find a reasonable way to utilize the gametype effectively in such confined spaces like these maps. So, instead they'll be introducing "Conquest Domination" which they describe as being very similar to Unreal Tournaments domination mode. [if you never played Unreal Tournament, don't sweat it.]
the new Conquest Domination will ad new layers of strategy and will make defending a flag more important that is has been in the past. We'll see when the DLC arrives.


Monday, March 5, 2012

The BR Was Down, Definitely Not Out.

[Your eyes do not deceive!]

That's right! HALO News! It's been a long, long time sine I've had the pleasure of focusing on Halo for a little bit. 343 has been working on it's brand-new adopted title and they just wanna let you know that it's in good hands. They're looking to the future with a good foundation to stand on. This year, we get to see the Master Chief break free of the cold of cryo sleep and put his boot to the ass of the next foo dumb enough to stand against him.

Also, the BR is back baby! And it's got a brand new look!

[My hope and faith has been placed in 343.]


Sunday, March 4, 2012

When Pedestrians Attack

[WARNING: Angered and Armed Pedestrians May M.D.K. You!]

Ya know, in video games, the average pedestrians don't get a lot of love, respect, or even one single caring glance. Especially in GTA. No, what we usually see is just some doofus program designed to bring us a new vehicle and as an added bonus, we get to kick their ass before taking their car/bike/truck/plane/candy from them or their baby, or both, or...whatever. [Honestly, it just sucks to be these guys]

But our good friend Freddie! has asked the question. "What if the guy you just mugged, or the guy you just beat up to steal their car, decided he wasn't put'n up with it any more?" [Oh no he didn't!]

Oh yes he did. See Freddie's answer to the dilemma of just what the take no crap pedestrian, that we should see a little more of, would do if he were carjacked.

[Ooh, bet that smarts!]


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Assasinate Your Way Across the Delaware!

[Man! Game Informer get's the coolest cover art for their magazine!]

Woot! *Ahem* excuse me. Assassin's Creed III had its existence revealed not too long ago; not only that but we learned it's been building up speed for three years and will hit shelves this year! [October! Yay!]
The best part is even more data is hitting the floor and making us foam a the mouth with excitement. [Wait, nobody else's mouth is foaming...?] This new G.I. cover and the official box art has been confirmed by Ubisoft themselves. [In case you don't know, Ubi is making the game.]

I was wondering what time period they were going to use next and I'm bloody excited for this! Time for the American Revolution, Assassin style! There's a photo floating around with this guy here to my right...

        }==[Yeah him] =)>

...standing behind good ol' George Washington as he crosses the Delaware! This kind of fictional twist on history is da'bomb. [That's right, I just used. "Da'bomb"]

Some things of note on the cover art and in the G.I. cover is that our boy here has a flintlock pistol [Awesome] a bow and arrow kit [Also Cool] and a tomahawk with it's blade in the shape of the Assassin's Emblem. [DA'BOMB!]

To say I'm excited is an understatement. Who else thinks using the American Revolution as the next backdrop for the series is an excellent choice?

Aha! Found it!

 How cool is that? Seriously?

And for reference, here's the original.
[George Washington: America's First Boss!]
