Monday, April 30, 2012

Cortana: The Rise and Fall

Woo, more Game Informer info on Halo 4 and one of it's main characters. Cortana.

Game Informer and 343 talk Halo 4 and Cortana

I'm definitely looking forward to see how this develops, and more importantly how it turns out. Like
 Frank O'Connor said, Rampancy has been the elephant in the room and it's been a long time coming. What we're all wanting to see though is how an A.I. based on a humans brain, who dealt with Forerunner A.I.s then finally the Grave Mind's conscious and all the A.I.s it absorbed, will react and deal with the number one killer of artificial intelligences in the Halo universe.


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

RVB Season 10!

Red Vs. Blue Season 10 has been announced the the series creators at RoosterTeeth and the excitement mounts. Season 10 this Memorial Weekend! Check out the announcement trailer below.


The Amazing Art of Halo 4

So, as it's been for every Halo before. The artwork and detail of the universe has been a key focal point of the series. Halo is a beautiful universe with thousands of different worlds and locations, ships, people and aliens. It's one thing that sets Halo apart from most other games. Game Informer has a sweet collection from 343 all on Halo 4 and they're gorgeous and true to form of all the previous titles. It's definitely something you'll wanna see.

Game Informer's look into Halo 4's Artwork

Following that up, I have something else that is quite impressive. In the video below I have an amazing bit of time-lapse Photoshop artwork of the Master Chief in  Halo 4 and it's mighty impressive. 
So here it is, and if you feel so inclined, check out the rest of the artist work.

Mmmmhmmm, the Chief is look'n good!


Monday, April 23, 2012

Crysis 3 Teased by a Trailer

Just before the weekend hit as shanzzy first trailer for Crysis 3 hit the internet. So check it out. It's bursting with the kind of dazzling graphics we're used to getting from the Crysis franchise, plus there's just so much to glean from this short trailer.

Because he's using the torque bow and New York is an overrun wasteland all I am Legend style, it gives off an almost Turok vibe.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Ghost MDKing with a Buddy Boost Confidence!

Today and sweet video detailing the action of the up and coming Ghost Recon Future Soldier hit the webs. This video comes from Ubisoft, through IGN, via YouTube. Yay internet! You'll get a look at some of the new classes, skills and features like Confidence Boost; which is you feeling like you can conquer the world because you have your friends watching your back while your busy disarming/arming a bomb/hacking a computer ect...

I'm always excited for this "Team Mechanics" centric titles. Those are the best way to get the most out of a game; and when you and your friends, utilize their favorite class as one, there's nothing more fun in gaming.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Continuing to Deliver


Game Informer is on a roll with 343, and like they promised more Halo 4 goodness is getting pumped from their website straight to you're eyeballs resulting in your need for a brain diaper.
So as the continue to deliver us sweet, sweet bits of Halo goodness. They're shed'n some light on the newest edition of multiplayer in one of our favorite universes. [No, I'm not biased at all, shut up!]

[The video is a good watch, very enlightening.]
Game Informer and 343 talk Halo 4 Multiplayer


It's Love/Hate, Definitely Love/Hate.

RoosterTeeth, I love these guys, they're brought us Red Vs. Blue; but sometimes I hate them. [I hate them out of pure jealously.] Those lovely bunch of JERKS guys and gals at RoosterTeeth were recently told the release date of the much anticipated Halo 4 release date and they made a hilarious little video to announce/celebrate that information.

[How is this working?!]

So quickly, go to Waypoint and read what they have to say for this Juggernaut title!

Later! [OMG HALO!]

Monday, April 16, 2012

HALO 4 Sample Jams!

If you're like me, then one of the biggest pieces of Halo is it's music. 343 knows that the fiction, strong characters, unique and innovative gameplay and the compelling original score is extremely important in what makes Halo, Halo. Just to show they care, 343 Industries has release a sweet sample of the HALO 4 soundtrack that you can can listen to for free at the following link. Enjoy!

Halo 4 OST Demo


Coming Spring 2013


Well it's official. You remember just the other day that this little gem was leaked on EA's online gaming distribution site Origin. Well now they made it official and they're giving Crysis 3 a spring 2013 release. EA also announced that you can already pre-order on Origin and other retailers like GameStop. The pre-orders come with their normal bonuses and they're even offering an XP bonus to jump you to level 5 in their multiplayer. (Which I'll assume is a lot like Crysis 2's)
2013 is a ways off, but it never hearts to get a good start on things.
