Thursday, February 2, 2012

Something to Look forward to; and it Comes in A Convenient Top 10 List

[Thank you both X-Play and G4 for this post.]

Wondering what game developers are threatening to pelt yo face with this year? Ever want that information in a fun, easy to watch, Top 10 style countdown list? Ever wonder if I lost count in the fray and only shot five, not six rounds? Do you ever feel lucky? [Well... Do you, punk?!]

*Click*  [Huh... guess I shot six times. A bit anti-climatic huh?]

Well survivors! I have good news, G4 and X-Play made a "Top 10 Most Anticipated Games of 2012" video. So, the link is below and the list is pretty good. I have to say I'm excited for most of the games on that list, with a little changer here or there. I'm definitely excited about this year.

Top 10 of 2012



  1. Ok, those two are kind of odd... The games looked cool though.

  2. Most look good, but #1 & #2? No way, no how! Really not my thing. ME3, H4! They should have been first and second...really a tie for first.
