Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Rumor Wagon, Don't You Lie to Me!

[If this turns out to be false, a few people are gonna have accidents]

Well, this is probably the best rumor I've heard since someone first said multiplayer and Mass Effect in the same sentence more than a year ago. This new rumor is about something many, many gamers have wanted to have happen since it's predecessor hit the original Xbox.

That my friends is, Battlefront 3, one of the greatest Star Wars games in existence. That's my humble opinion of course, but on the bright side, you agree with me. [Remember, accidents.]
As I was saying the rumor is that developer Spark Unlimited is green lit to finally make this unfinished games as studio after studio has dropped and/or lost it. I'll send you over to Joystiq to see their post on it. They also show the information that led to this glorious speculation. A speculation that keeps one little dream alive with a spark of hope. Just remember, one day. this...

>>>>>=====Could be actually coming out.========)>



  1. Maybe your grand-kids will get to play it; is that what you meant to say?

  2. I watched you play the first one. It was a cool game then!
