Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Police Warfare?

[Say what now?]

OK, first off, let me say that Call of Duty: Police Warfare isn't real. It's a fan made concept, with a beyond exceptional [fiction, fake, not real] trailer for their awesome idea. Basically they wanted to play up the desire for a new direction for the C.O.D. franchise with a completely unsuspected twist. What they were going for was that mixture between, crazy outlandish Cop Vs. Robbers TV combat, and the real life event feel. Watch the trailer below, it's actually kinda badass.... the only issue though, Police Warfare....really? I dunno; just doesn't fit. Everything else is pretty friggin sweet.

[We have clearance, Clerance." : "Roger, Roger. What's our vector, Victor?]



  1. "Players get to experience robbing a bank?!" I'm not so sure we need to give people a bank robbing simulator!! "Oh man! I died trying to rob the neighborhood bank using these tactics!! I'm glad I have this simulator so I can get it right BEFORE really I go in!!! Look out Grandma! Here I come!!"

  2. I agree with Wade. Some people...not all...a very select few...have a hard time where reality crosses make-believe.
    If it were just cops fighting thieves, that would be okay. Make the good guys something you want to join up with. Don't root for the "dark side"...not a good idea.
