Thursday, February 9, 2012

Computer, Integrate a Telling of the Story.

[COMPUTER: Yes Commander, activated integrated story telling.]

OK see, the way I said it was so much cooler.
Computer, you're fired.

[ ಠ_ಠ ]

...haha, just kidding, you're fine! Wuv you!

[ (^_^) ]

Somebody call a Nerd Herder.... now!

Mass Effect 3 comes on March 6th. Every day it seams I get a chance to bring it up here and show off some new video, new story idea, deal, whatever. This game is getting some Grade-A promotion; and here comes more. The latest, and last, in the Shepard trilogy is now beefing up one of the biggest mechanics of the series. Conversation. In both previous titles you interrogate, shoot the breeze, threaten, tease, haggle, debate, the works. It's the other piece to the puzzle; aside from the RPG like and character development,  the exploration, and the kick-ass 3rd person shooter elements you enjoy.

Integrated Story Telling is what they're calling it. Basically they're trying to put you in the hot-seat by giving you instant consequence in certain dialog sequences. They want to give you that gratifying result of calling some alien douche's bluff, by popping him in the nuts, before returning to the "conversation". Or they might even stick you with "Instant Karma" if you happen to be the douche.
So see a sweat visual explanation by watching the video below!

[We're almost there folks... then I'll have to find something else to talk about. :p ]


1 comment:

  1. This is probably the closest some kids will get to parental control; the defining of decisions and consequences. Sad but true...
