Saturday, March 31, 2012

Remembering Where You Came From.

[The Final Transition Ends Tonight.]

Today, Bungie, the original creators of HALO say good by for the last time. One of the most biggest franchises in modern gaming is HALO. Whether you like the series or not, it is a defining element in gaming and it's original release redefined first person shooters on consoles.

As of today, 343 Industries, takes the helm and full reign of HALO, and all things HALO. Bungie will also no longer support stats or any other HALO related feature on their website

343and their main site Waypoint will take over everything that the provided and over the course of a few months will give access to all the great features you're custom to.

So now we say a fond/tearful, farewell to Bungie Studios when it comes to HALO and turn a hopeful eye on to 343 Industries. HALO is now completely in their hands. Bungie wanted to say thanks, and farewell the series and the fans who will follow the series with this amazing bit of data. Enjoy. You can also check out and read every loving word they typed out here.

[Warning, mind may be blown after reading the information below!]

Here's to you Bungie!



  1. Well, I haven't been here in a while. Why are they giving up this money maker??? Strange!!!!

  2. Oh, and where is the link to your book and a picture of your book cover on your Blog page???? Huh???? Where????

  3. Well actually, the reason why is because technically Microsoft owns HALO, even though Bungie originally came up with it. Microsoft bought the IP from Bungie and when Bungie separated from Microsoft, they had to leave HALO behind.
