Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Slow-mo Russian Bullet Proof Balloons

OK, first a foremost. No, there aren't any bullet proof balloons [I think, conspiracy theorist are probably having at it...], but there is something else entering the world that is and then there's something about a balloon. Let's for sake of order start with the Russian bit shall we?

[What we have here is a "Taste of Awesome" pie with some "Friggin sweet" whip-cream on top.]-->

That vehicle there is Russia's little gift to every facny pants McBig-spendy, or just you're good ol' red blooded American who desires to have a fast car you can't shoot through.
This is the Dartz Prombron Nagel. So, basically, it's the Nagel. [Think Bagel but with an "N"]
A beastly cross between a Tank and a Sports Car. [Just in case you couldn't decide]

Seriously, look up "Rugged" in the dictionary and you'll see this car.
All that bullet deflecting brawn on the outside ain't just for show, Inside she's just as mean. Its "To Be Announced" engine boasts a rumored 2,000 horse power and the speedometer tops out at 250 kph or 155mph. Not bad for a Coupe.

The Nagel, has the capability of toeing a 10,000 pounder yacht. [You know, in case you want to spend the weekend out on the open seas with the fam, but you have to pass through those pesky guerrilla camps along the way.]
Not too shabby really, despite those tiny doors. Let's face it, you ain't gonna be the Staypuft and get to ride in the bullet proof car.

OK, now to the balloon. YouTube every month does a compitition called "On the Rise." The program where you decide which up-and-coming YouTube partner gets a spot on the homepage. Well this month, a group called "Slow-Mo Guys" took the prize. Led by a couple fellas known as, Gavin Free and Dan Gruch. For those of you who know. Gavin is also an employee of RoosterTeeth, the kings of Machinima. [You know, Redvs.Bue]

Anyway, Gav and friend have found themselves in the possession of a high tech camera with the ability to record up to some 1,000 frames per second, and they've been at it for a few years now. The link below is really awesome, and it's one of the videos that won them the competition. If you have the free time or the desire, you should check out the rest of their stuff.

[Slow-mo McLinkey] ------> Slow Mo Guys vs. the 6ft Water Balloon

OK, that be all!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Inspiration for the Grind

I know it, you know it, we all know it. Some times looking down the barrel of a long week can make you less than "Singing in the Rain" happy. And so, I have a special gift, just to get a smile on your face. Enjoy!

Click on the photos to see a larger version!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Every once in a while something bubbles up to the surface to remind me why I got a PlayStation 3
It's simple really, I got it for the games, but more importantly, for a core set of games. I like many, like to dabble in the murder/death/kill! of that classic espionage, stealth, classic Metal Gear! Which is hands down, in the Top 10 big hitters to step up to the PlayStation Plate with a tree trunk for a bat. For me the, the little golden egg, the favorite, the one game, that everyone has, that's your reason for playing on the system of your choice. On the Xbox it's Halo, and Mass Effect. On the PlayStation, it's the greatest of the greats, the Uncharted Series. [Jeez, Fox, tell'em how you really feel.]

Uncharted sets itself apart on three levels. #1 Starting of on what is truly important to this industry, Gameplay, and Uncharted breezes through it's "Platformer" / 3rd person, cover-to-cover based combat like Naughty Dog was born to make games. [Oh... wait, Naughty Dog WAS born to make games...]

Reason, "Num-bah" 2! Characters. You've got a dynamic duo, [No! Not Batman! Although it would be...  ah never mind, they'd never go for it.] Nate Drake and his oldest friend Sully, then there's Elena, who makes this cast a crowd. A clever, super fun crowd with a snarky sense of humor and a relate-able nature. Top all that off with, supporting cast and compelling antagonist with all their little henchmen who live for you to punch them in their dumb, pudgy little faces. And now you've got yourself and block buster cast.

[Rounding off this trifecta of digital goodness with!!!! Wait for it... wait for.... iiiitttt!]
Point! #3 The Cinematic and the Score. Naughty Dog works harder than most developers. I'm not saying the battle hardened Rock Star and Bungie Studios, to name two, aren't working just as hard. [But you'll notice that I said most, not all, and I just listed three developers, so stop nit picking, let me finish!]
Rock Star's "L.A. Noire" with their phenomenal face capturing technique that will allow the player to gauge whether a not the character in story is lying based on expression ALONE!
And Bungie's Mo-Cap cut scenes that build in the fluidity we just haven't grasped int the video game world before.
Naughty Dog comes at playing out their story like your favorite TV show does. They spend more time on the set, with their actors than anybody else. They're out there, for 18 hr days, cutting 2 to 4 scenes with all that realism right there! They beat out both the physical performance and the dialog in one fantastic swoop. [They feel that capturing the audio during a live acted scene builds the performances into a more real zone.]

Couple these three points and what you have, Sir, is one top notch game that sets the stage for the rest of the gameing world. It's step up or step aside these days. If you're not pumping out that new hotness, you're not gonna last. Games are more akin to Movies than they every were before, and now days, they're a formidable opponent in the Media department. I have a link submitted below, it's some of the greatest stuff. It's 10 minutes of behind the scenes Mo-Cappy goodness. You'll get to watch first hand as a full fledged cut scene is fleshed out right before your eyeballs in all it's splendor. [Now stop reading all of my yammer'n and watch it! You won't regret it.]

[Uncharted McLinkey]-----> Uncharted 3 Mo-Cap Behind the Scenes

OK folks, that be all! G'night!